Beautiful plastic windows are the key to making an apartment or office look more attractive. Large new windows allow people to feel comfortable, they allow for good natural lighting of the rooms, which affects the productivity of work, the quality of rest, the vitality of man. Harmlessness of plastic used in the manufacture of windows, has already proved not only the manufacturers themselves, but also experience – more than 10-15 years, they are actively used around the world. If you prefer wooden windows, then there is no problem, because many companies continue to create and such a product that has its own important advantages.
However, putting new windows is not enough, because over time, everyone is bound to have a question – what to wash the windows at home? The problem is not easy, although at first glance seems a mere trifle. Not without reason more and more people turn to professional cleaning companies for the service of cleaning windows, because independently to achieve decent results is very difficult. To wash the windows yourself at home is possible if you know some of the nuances of the case, as well as in advance to prepare everything you need.
How much does it cost to clean the windows in the apartment with the hands of cleaning specialists? It all depends on the following:
What amount of work you provide;
How urgent it is to get the result.
If you do not want to spend money on cleaning, you can try to do the work yourself. The main thing is to understand what to wash the windows, what tools and materials to use for this purpose, in what sequence to perform the cleaning.
What can wash windows
To wash windows at home without streaks, you can use a large set of materials, both store-bought and available at hand. Consider the most common and affordable options that are sure to be found in every housewife, or you can buy them at a low price at your local hardware store.
Household chemicals
Today, people are too busy with themselves, affairs at work, hobbies and outdoor activities to excessively spend time on the use of folk recipes. That’s why ready-made detergents from hardware stores are the most popular. There is a huge list of such non-hazardous for health chemistry, which you can safely buy for washing windows. Consider some popular products:
Frosch Glass Cleaner. Cleaner, which has the property of quickly dissolving even old dirt, and any of its residues are removed from the glass with a simple damp cloth. The consumption of the product is quite low;
Mr. Muscle. Widely known option for washing windows and other things, which is notable for its affordable price. To apply the substance, a damp cloth will suffice for rubbing;
CIF. Popular detergent, which comes in a convenient form with a sprayer, can easily remove quite large accumulations of grease or dirt, makes windows just shine after treatment
Faberlic Home. A great option to choose for those who adhere to environmentally friendly substances. Vegetable raw materials are not dangerous for hands, gives good efficiency.
You can list dozens and probably hundreds of different detergents, but all of them in the hands of amateurs give approximately the same result. Now you understand what to wash the windows with, if you suddenly have the desire to do such a job yourself.
How to wash windows without streaks
How to wash windows without streaks? – for this you can use a large set of materials, both store and available at hand. Let’s consider the most common and affordable options that are sure to be found in every housewife.
Although newspapers are now an uncommon occurrence as everything has moved to the internet, but you can probably find some soft newsprint in the house. To wash the windows you will need to prepare warm water, in which you need to add a little detergent. As the latter, laundry detergent or even pieces of shabby laundry soap can be used. The water must be stirred to a foamy substance.
Then everything happens like this:
A sponge is taken, wetted with the created composition, the windows are wiped, special diligence should be applied to the most contaminated places;
With an ordinary clean cloth from the window, it is necessary to remove the excess moisture and detergent;
Now the most important thing remains – to bring the glass to a perfect condition with the help of newsprint. It is done simply: a piece of newsprint is crumpled up in a handy condition and you need to wipe the glass until it is completely dry.
If you are interested in the question of how to wash windows without streaks, then newspaper in this case helps a lot – after such a wash there are almost no streaks.
Using chalk.
Here, too, the window is first washed with warm water and a moderate amount of detergent, and then the following procedure is required. It is necessary to make a cleaning solution with chalk and water. For 1 liter of water it is necessary to add 2 tablespoons of chalk. It is necessary to wash glasses with such a solution after normal washing with a detergent. When the chalk solution is used, allow the windows to dry. After drying on the glass will be like a coating of small particles of chalk. It is necessary to take a clean dry cloth and carefully wipe the glass. The result is also an excellent quality result without streaks!
There are also other folk methods of self-washing using vinegar, citric acid, etc. Of course, the result will not be the same as after professional cleaning, but also not bad.
How to wash windows quickly
Cleaning windows is usually a complicated procedure that requires spending a lot of time. Especially if the dwelling has many rooms and, accordingly, many windows. In this regard, for many hostesses is a very relevant question – how to wash windows quickly? There are many options for this, so it is worth examining them in more detail.
The very first thing you should pay attention to when you want to speed up the work – a set of available tools for cleaning windows. Manual labor is always very hard, requires a lot of effort and time, so if you plan to regularly wash the windows yourself, then to speed up this process, you will need to buy tools that allow you to significantly speed up the work:
Melamine sponge. This tool is fairly inexpensive, but at the same time it allows you to speed up the work of washing the windows. Such a sponge is used where it is necessary to quickly wipe off old dirt, too dusty places. An ordinary wet rag will do the job 3-4 times slower, and the result will be worse;
A mop with a telescopic handle. You can not wash the windows in the apartment quickly, if you do not have the ability to quickly get to hard-to-reach places. Some housewives save on mops-telescopic handles, screw brooms with ordinary mops, invent other dubious devices. All this takes a lot of time and gives bad results;
Window vacuum cleaner. An interesting know-how in cleaning, which appeared quite recently – a special vacuum cleaner, which is used for the operative cleaning of residual moisture, detergent solution from windows. First the solution is applied to the glass, the surface is wiped down, and then the vacuum cleaner quickly removes all the products of the work. There is a special soft nozzle for window cleaner to work with glass.
If you are wondering what you can clean windows from stickers, dirt stains that do not want to go away easily under the action of wiping – use a special scraper with a blade. It will help you quickly remove stubborn dirt, they do not have to spend many minutes scrubbing with your hands.
How to clean windows on a high floor
Professional cleaning companies offer an easy and quick cleaning of absolutely any windows, even if they are 20-30 meters above the ground. For the implementation of complex tasks cleaning staff have the full range of equipment and capabilities. But it also happens that the average person has to solve a problem, wondering how to wash the windows on a high floor. The task is not easy, but doable.
To wash windows on a high floor will require:
Use the previously mentioned mop with a telescopic handle. Two situations are possible. If the window has two sashes, both open, then there is no problem with washing. It is enough to open one sash, wash a part of the window, then open the other sash and wash the other part. If part of the window has a blank sash, which is important for modern triple-pane windows, you can only reach the high point of the window with a long mop;
It is possible to use robots for washing. Nowadays the market offers interesting robots that can move along the vertical surfaces with the help of vacuum suction cups and wash the windows with high quality. But the cost of such a device will be considerable, it is easier to contact a cleaning company.
Also, when considering how to wash windows outside on a high floor, it is worth remembering about safety. Use a safety strap securely fastened inside the apartment so that in case of something just do not fall out of the window. Sad accidents happen even in the most peaceful conditions in your own apartment, so it is strongly not recommended to take the risk.
Sometimes it is necessary to remove the window frame in order to wash everything well. This is quite a long process, washing in this way can take you an entire working day. Contacting a cleaning service can help solve the problems of washing windows on a high floor much faster and easier.
How to wash windows from the outside
The windows inside the apartment are exposed to much less pollution than the outside. How do you clean high windows from the outside? – to do this, you can use the already mentioned methods using either a special robot that moves vertically, or a telescopic mop, or simply set up a chair or scaffolding and get to the hard-to-reach places that way.
Outside windows are constantly exposed to dust, weather, winds, the neighbor on the floor above may have the habit of smoking on the balcony, and the ash from this procedure is dumped down, that is, on your window sill. Cleaning in such cases is not fundamentally different from the range of work that is done inside the room. But there are some nuances:
More powerful detergents may be required. If in the apartment you just need to remove a little dust from the windows, and in the kitchen – grease particles, then the street will have to deal with a whole spectrum of dirt;
It can be harder to work outside if there is, say, a driveway nearby. You won’t have time to wash the window as new dust particles will appear on it. Therefore, you will have to perform additional procedures for the fastest drying of moisture on the glass.
Washing windows from the outside is not fundamentally different from the inside, so you will need the same set of tools, patience, and a free day off to succeed in this endeavor, since you will hardly have time for a couple of hours after work.
If you are interested in cleaning a high window with a guarantee of a decent result – a cleaning company is able to perform this task as quickly as possible. The money spent on the service will fully compensate for the savings of your efforts and money.
How to wash a window on the balcony
How to wash plastic windows if they are located on the balcony? There are almost no difficulties and secrets in this case. It is enough to stock up on a standard set of materials and tools and boldly get to work.
How to wash windows on the balcony? Washing balcony windows has its own small specifics, so it is worth remembering these tips:
Stock up on specialized tools and detergents. A good set for such work: a rubber scraper that has a long handle to work with large glass, a quality detergent, as well as a couple of not worn sponges;
You can wash windows on the balcony using spray and wipes. A more labor-intensive option than the previous case, but it allows you to work with fewer streaks. Cleaning a large window this way, and even outside, will be problematic;
Balconies always accumulate a special amount of dirt: dust, fallen leaves from nearby trees, sometimes the wind can blow the most exotic things such as cellophane bags or newspaper scraps onto the balcony. Therefore, special attention should be paid to cleaning the plastic frame around the windows.
Since it is difficult to clean balcony windows, it makes sense to use some tricks to keep them clean as long as possible. To do this, sometimes a solution of water with glycerin is used, it is necessary to wipe the glass after washing. This helps keep the glass as clean as possible for as long as possible. A mixture of water and salt helps protect balcony glass from frost and ice. If it is difficult to reach a certain place – do not risk leaning out of the window, it is better to use a squeegee with a long handle. Also read other tips from how to clean windows outside.
How much does it cost to clean apartment windows
If you do not want to figure out on your own how to wash the window on the floor, how to wash windows on the balcony outside and other similar things – just contact a cleaning company and order a thorough window cleaning on the most favorable terms! This is the best option for people who value their time and prefer to have every activity done by professionals, not dilettantes.
Employees of cleaning company have a complete set of tools and materials to quickly put in order absolutely any object. As for the price of the company’s services, they are influenced by the following factors:
Urgency of the order. If you are willing to wait for your turn in service, it will be cheaper than in case of urgent work;
Volume of work. The more windows, the more areas to be treated, the higher the price;
The arsenal of means used. You can order cleaning windows of different levels, ranging from simple cleaning with a minimum set of tools and ending with professional help with modern equipment.
Contact our cleaning company and make your apartment or office even better with professional window cleaning!